* SR-Supaplex by Yuriy Tykhyy *


Each button creates one element, or, by multiple press, one of the pack of elements.

Q Empty.

W Base.

E Exit.

I Infotron.

O Zonk.

M Walls.

H Hard walls.

B Murphy. Sacred "brother". Sleeping murphy.

G Ports - simple and gravity ones. Gravity ones are marked by letter 'L' or 'H' - murphy becomes light or heavy.

A Orange disk.

D Yellow, blue, red disks. Terminals. Atom bomb.

S Snik-snak. In any of four positions.

J Electron, blue snik-snak, microbe, "eyes", base-grower, byaka. Each of them can be in different position. If the position is not clear (unlike snik-snak), it is marked by letter.

T Teleports. Their tag - number and letter a,b. Each teleport leads to one of the same colour, same number, but different letter.

U Bubble. "Plus" (fast stone). Slow stone. Coin. Fuzz. Battery.

K Keys and doors.

Z Bug. Ameba. Invisible wall.

X Giant stone.

C Clock and axlepin. Axlepin should be connected to the clock by the certain side.

V Arrows.

Ctrl Keeping this button, you can change the size of the level. If the cursor is near the edge - the edge moves together with cursor. It can be left, right, top, bottom edge - the rest of the level doesn't change. Area of the level can't exceed 4096.

[] If you press it on infotron - changes the neceserry quantity. On the gravity port - changes the start gravity. On the clock - changes it's time. On the teleport - changes the number-tag. On the battery - changes the quantity of energy (zero - unlimited). Also, it's possible to change the full capacity for energy.

. One have to press it at the end of editing, to avoid mistakes.

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